Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hamlet is Mine

It was Hamlet.

Hamlet killed my father.

I have saw my sister. She is singing and acting like a crazy person.

I have spoken to the king. We have devised the plan to kill Hamlet.

He should pay for what he has done.

Hamlet killed my father.

Hamlet caused my sister to go insane.

Now Hamlet will see what he has caused me to feel.


I will repay him for all that he has done.

He will die.

I will kill him, not anyone else.

I will kill Hamlet!

More Questions

Mood: Angry

I just arrived in Denmark today. I am determined to find out who killed my father. I haven't spoken to King Claudius yet. I plan on talking with him. Why did he allow for my father to be killed? He should have stopped it. I want to know who is responsible and how it happened. I will take the king's power away if I have to. All these things would not be happening if he had more control over certain people. There are many people here that agree with me. I also haven't seen my sister. I am worried about Ophelia. I do not know how she will handle all the emotions. I have heard that she is acting a little crazy, but I won't believe anything until I see her. I will continue to ask for the king and give an update when I sort things out.


Mood: Too Upset, Frustrated, Lonely, Angry

I just got word from Denmark that my father is dead. How can this happen? The letter read he was killed. I knew things were crazy, but not to the point where people were dying. I want to know who is responsible. I will hold that person accountable. Why did my father have to die? I had my disagreements with him, but I still loved him. It hurts to know he is gone, that he was taken from this earth. I am leaving for Denmark tonight. My emotions are jumbled up right now. I am angry at whoever did this, I feel alone here in Paris with no family, and I am also saddened by my father's sudden death. I do not know how I feel.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More News

Mood: Intrigued

I have heard more details about Hamlet's play. It seems the two main players were a king and a queen. The king was dying and the queen was pronouncing her love for him, saying even after his death she would not remarry. Then the king is poisoned and Hamlet interrupts by saying that the murderer will marry the widowed queen. Sounds like an interesting play, but I hear what happens next is the real interesting portion. King Claudius gets up and leaves. Why did he leave? Many people are questioning if this story has something to do with the actual king and queen. I am not sure if it does or not. It seems possible, but it is hard to tell the truth when everyone seems to be acting somewhat strange. I will just have to wait and see if I hear any other news from Denmark or about that crazy Hamlet.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Rants On My Father

Mood: Angry

Sometimes my dad makes me really angry. I am here in Paris, but I keep thinking about the advice he gave me. He tells me to do all these things, to behave and represent him well. But I keep thinking, how is he representing the family name? It is easy for him to tell me what to do, but it must be hard for him to follow all the strict rules he sets in place. I worry about my sister Ophelia. She has to continually put up with him since she is in Denmark. It is funny to me how his good friend Claudius is now the King. I didn't say this before, but I had to ask him permission before returning to Paris. It should be my own decision, not my father's or the king's. I do not want to think about everything though. I am here in Paris and I should enjoy myself. I can't wait to here more about what is happening back home.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What's New

Mood: Concerned

Things in Paris are going well, but I hear from my sister that some weird things are happening in Denmark. She wrote me that Hamlet is beginning to act a little crazy. He supposedly put on a play and shouted during it. Ophelia seems to be shaken by all that is going on. I am kind of glad to not have to deal with all this mess, but it also concerns me. I hope that Hamlet does not do anything else. My sister writes that she can handle everything, but I do not believe her. I know my father will ensure that Ophelia stays away from Hamlet.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sometimes I Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

I think I am being watched. Walking down the streets of Paris, I feel eyes staring at me. I know it may seem like I am paranoid, but trust me, I'm not. I have also heard mumurs and people talking under their breath. I think they know something about me. I have listened to my father's advice and have behaved the way he would like me to and I can't figure out why everywhere I go it seems like I am being followed or that someone is always checking on what I am doing. It is a little spooky. I just hope this feeling ends soon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Off to Paris

Mood: Excited
Today I left for France. I had returned to see the new king take over. My sister Ophelia seems to have her heart set on Hamlet. This is not good. His decisions not only affect him, but also the state. I won’t be here to see that she makes the right decisions in her dealings with Hamlet. I know, though, that my dad, Polonius, will not let anything happen. In fact just before I left he gave another one of his speeches. I already know all the things he tells me; listen to others, fight only when necessary, don’t go into debt. I wish he could just trust in me a little more. But anyway, I am excited to return to France. I can’t wait!