Monday, October 26, 2009

Rants On My Father

Mood: Angry

Sometimes my dad makes me really angry. I am here in Paris, but I keep thinking about the advice he gave me. He tells me to do all these things, to behave and represent him well. But I keep thinking, how is he representing the family name? It is easy for him to tell me what to do, but it must be hard for him to follow all the strict rules he sets in place. I worry about my sister Ophelia. She has to continually put up with him since she is in Denmark. It is funny to me how his good friend Claudius is now the King. I didn't say this before, but I had to ask him permission before returning to Paris. It should be my own decision, not my father's or the king's. I do not want to think about everything though. I am here in Paris and I should enjoy myself. I can't wait to here more about what is happening back home.

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