Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More News

Mood: Intrigued

I have heard more details about Hamlet's play. It seems the two main players were a king and a queen. The king was dying and the queen was pronouncing her love for him, saying even after his death she would not remarry. Then the king is poisoned and Hamlet interrupts by saying that the murderer will marry the widowed queen. Sounds like an interesting play, but I hear what happens next is the real interesting portion. King Claudius gets up and leaves. Why did he leave? Many people are questioning if this story has something to do with the actual king and queen. I am not sure if it does or not. It seems possible, but it is hard to tell the truth when everyone seems to be acting somewhat strange. I will just have to wait and see if I hear any other news from Denmark or about that crazy Hamlet.

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